Why Master Figma?

Learning Figma provides you with the industry's most relevant tools and techniques for designing and teaches you how to collaborate with others and share your work with individuals, teams, and even entire organizations all bundled within this course. This is also a great primer on understanding how to use design tools in general as the experience across design tools is similar. In learning this tool and its features they will be applicable to other design tools as well.
Master Figma Image

Is this the right course for you?

People from all skill levels can benefit from this course, even the most seasoned designers. This does not exclude product managers or design recruiters either!
Gandolf the GOAT

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Master Figma

    2. Create a Figma Account

    3. Download the Figma Desktop App

    4. Download the Figma Mirror App

    5. Preview Designs and Prototypes with Figma Mirror

    6. Figma Browser Requirements

    7. Configure your browser for Figma

    8. Working Offline in Figma

    9. Speed up your workflow with keyboard shortcuts

    10. Navigate the Toolbar in the Editor

    11. Explore the Canvas

    12. View Layers and Assets in the Layers Panel

    13. Use the File Browser

    14. Adjust Your View Settings in the Editor

    15. Design, Prototype, and View Code in the Properties Panel

    16. Getting Started with Comments

    17. Open Figma Links in the Desktop App

    18. Adjust the Scale of the Figma Desktop App Interface

    19. Manage Color Space in the Desktop App

    1. Introduction: Imports

    2. Getting Started with Imports

    3. Import Files into Figma

    4. Improt Files from Sketch

    5. Copy Assets Between Design Tools

    1. Introduction: File Browser

    2. Interacting with Files

    3. Move Files Between Drafts, Projects, Teams, and Accounts

    4. Manage Your Recent Files

    1. Introduction: Files

    2. Files in Figma

    3. Create a New File

    4. Set a Custom File Thumbnail

    5. Duplicate a File

    6. Version History

    7. Pages in Figma

    8. Create and Manage Pages

    9. Rename a File

    10. Delete a File

    11. Remove a Collaborator from a File

    12. Share Files with Anyone Using Link Sharing

    13. Give Feedback with Comments

    14. Share Files with Collaborators

    15. Invite a View or Editor to a File

    16. Adjust Permissions on a File

    17. Prevent Viewers from Copying and Sharing Files

    1. Introduction: Shapes and Tools

    2. Frames in Figma

    3. Frames and Groups

    4. Using Shape Tools

    5. Vector Networks

    6. Edit Object

    7. Resize Layers with the Scale Tool

    8. Add Guides to the Canvas or a Frame

    9. Using the Arc Tool

    10. Boolean Operations

    11. Masks

    1. Introduction: Text

    2. Getting Started with Text

    3. Create Type Layers with the Text Tool

    4. Edit Text Layers

    5. Explore Text Properties

    6. Add Emojis to Text Layers

    7. Create a Bulleted List

    8. Create and Apply Text Styles

    9. Use Text in Non-English Languages

    10. Use Icon Fonts in Text Layers

    11. Use Local Fonts with Figma Font Helper

    12. Upload Fonts to an Organization

    13. Upload Fonts to a Team in an Organization

    14. Manage Missing Fonts

    15. Changes to Line Height Behavior

    16. Convert Text to Vector Paths

    17. Create and Apply Text Styles

About this course

  • Free
  • 169 lessons
  • 17.5 hours of video content

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